Center sent expert teams in view of increasing cases of COVID in six states

The central government is leading the fight against the global pandemic COVID-19 with the vision of a holistic government and a holistic society. As an ongoing effort to strengthen the efforts of various State/UT Governments for COVID management, the Central Government has been deputing Central Teams from time to time to visit various States/UTs. These teams interact with the State/UT officials and get a first-hand understanding of the challenges and issues being faced by them so that the ongoing activities by the States can be strengthened and any bottlenecks can be removed. Can go.
The Center has deputed multi-disciplinary teams in view of the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in Kerala, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Manipur. Dr. L Swasticharan, Additional Deputy Director General and Director, EMR will lead the team to Manipur. The team from Arunachal Pradesh will be headed by Dr. Sanjay Sadhukhan, Professor, All India Institute of Sanitation and Public Health (AIIH&PH). Sinha will do. The team going to Kerala will be led by Regional Office of Health and Family Welfare (ROHFW), Group 2 Public Health Specialist Dr. Ruchi Jain. The team going to Odisha will be led by Dr. A Dankar, Public Health Specialist from All India Institute of Sanitation and Public Health (AIIH&PH) and the team going to Chhattisgarh will be led by Dr. Dibakar Sahu, Assistant Professor, AIIMS Raipur. The teams will support their efforts for targeted COVID response and management and to effectively deal with the pandemic.
The two-member high-level team constituted for these states includes a doctor and a public health expert. The teams will immediately visit the states and monitor the overall implementation of COVID-19 management, with a special focus on testing. These include monitoring and control operations; COVID Appropriate Practices and its enforcement; availability of hospital beds; Adequate logistics including ambulances, ventilators, medical oxygen etc., and progress on COVID-19 vaccination. The teams will monitor the situation and suggest remedial action.
Central teams will assess the situation and suggest remedial action on public health activities to the respective state governments. A copy of the report will also be made available to the Union Health Ministry.