Big attack on Taliban: More than 100 terrorists killed in Herat, Afghanistan, 21 also killed in air strike

The Atiban stronghold in northern Afghanistan’s Jawjan province was heavily bombed on Friday, in which 21 militants have been confirmed dead. Mohammad Hanif Rezai, spokesman for the Northern Region Army, gave this information on Saturday. At the same time, Afghan security forces have recaptured by killing more than 100 terrorists in Gujara district of Herat state.
The fighter jets targeted villages adjacent to the road connecting Murghab, Hasantabin, Atma and Jawjan with neighboring Sari Pul province, where the Taliban hold and have their bases. The official said that 21 insurgents were killed in the attack and 10 others were injured.
There itself, After the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan intensified, Taliban militants have started spreading rapidly here. The Taliban have captured large parts of Afghanistan. However, the security personnel of Afghanistan are fighting them firmly.
The Afghan Defense Ministry has said that Afghan security forces have regained control of Gujara district of Herat state. More than 100 Taliban militants have been killed and wounded by Afghan security forces as they retake the area. Along with this, the security forces have destroyed a lot of arms and ammunition of the terrorists. Afghan security forces have again taken control of Gujara district with the help of the Afghan Air Force.