Girlfriend saved her dying boyfriend’s life by giving her kidney, yet the young man was left alone
There is no dearth of favored people in this world. It boils blood just thinking that the girlfriend who saved her boyfriend’s life by giving her kidney. He cheated on his girlfriend as soon as he recovered. Telling this, seeing the pain on the face of the girlfriend, you will also cry. The girl who saved her boyfriend’s life by giving her body part, due to which the boyfriend is now alive. He showed his color as soon as he saved his life and cheated the girl. The girl’s name is Coleen Lee. When that girl came in a relationship with her boyfriend, she had kidney disease. Her boyfriend was younger than her and at the age of 17 she needed a kidney transplant. Girlfriend so soon fell in love with her boyfriend that she decided to give him her kidney. But as soon as he got the kidney, the boyfriend showed his color and cheated on him and fled. After this the girlfriend was left with a broken heart.
Ungrateful Boyfriend
Colleen told that when she donated her kidney to her boyfriend, her condition was like dying. While talking in a talk show, the girlfriend told that her boyfriend was suffering from a very serious illness. If she had not given her kidney, her life would hardly have been saved. After this she got her test done and when she was sure that she could give her kidney. Then she gave her kidney to her boyfriend without thinking. By this time, their relationship had only been for 6 months.
However, after receiving the kidney, the boyfriend made a full recovery and seven months later went on a bachelor trip to Las Vegas. When he came back, he told that there he cheated her by making a relation with another girl. Even after this thing came to the fore, the girlfriend gave him one more chance. However, after three months, the boyfriend broke up with her and got away completely by blocking her from everywhere. Sharing this on social media, Colleen wrote, ‘I am very happy to give a kidney to my boyfriend, because he got a second life.’