भूमिका बंसल कोलकाता: कोविड-19 के लगातार बढ़ते प्रकोप को देखते हुए पश्चिम बंगाल की मुख्यमंत्री ममता बनर्जी ने सोमवार को...
saumya Bhardwaj “Women, you are not rehabilitation centres for badly raised men. It is not your job to fix him,...
The last date for submission of the entries for the video blogging contest ‘My Life, My Yoga’ recently announced by...
This is a powerful image depicting transportation of pipes to the remote Hiba village in Kurung Kumey district of Arunachal...
STIP 2020 Town Hall Meet, the Track-Ipublic & expert consultation process for the formulation of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy...
A CSIR National Healthcare Supply Chain Portal that aims to provide real-time availability of critical healthcare supplieshttps://www.aarogyapath.inhas been launched on...
Nishit Priya IIT-Delhi's affordable COVID-19 testing kit will be produced by a Delhi based firm and is expected to be...
Vice Admiral BiswajitDasgupta, AVSM, YSM, VSM assumed the charge as Chief of Staff, Eastern Naval Command(ENC),Visakhapatnam on Friday, 12 Jun...
-By Vaishnavi Virginity is not a scientific term, but a social and religious construct. Women are expected to retain their...
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has extended the delivery period for all existing capital acquisition contracts with the Indian vendors...