The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has released a report on Super Cyclonic Storm "Amphan" that crossed West Bengal coast during...
City News
Amidst the prevailing unprecedented situation faced by the society due to Pandemic COVID-19, special measures have been taken by Government...
Pramesh S Jain CEO of a and a former banker Jayakumar Bakthavatchalam has been nominated as Hero on the...
Hiten shukla The Indian Air Force has designed, developed and manufactured an Airborne Rescue Pod for Isolated Transportation (ARPIT). This...
Udit Raj Sharma In a very recent event in Kashmir, a sarpanch Ajay Pandita(Bharti) was shot dead out of his...
BHUMIKA BANSAL Safe sanitation and hygiene are key to preventing and managing the outbreak of many deadly infectious diseases including...
भूमिका बंसल कोलकाता: कोविड-19 के लगातार बढ़ते प्रकोप को देखते हुए पश्चिम बंगाल की मुख्यमंत्री ममता बनर्जी ने सोमवार को...
स्मृति असम की राजधानी दिसपुर से करीब 490 किलोमीटर दूरी पर एक तिनसुखिया जिला है। इस तिनसुखिया जिले में मौजूद...
Amit Pant Brand India, is organizing the 4th . India International CSR Summit-2020 on 15th June , from 5pm to...
Ambience Malls has been working rigorously to adhere to health and safety practices. As per the government and SCAI guidelines,...