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Covid-19 patients in home isolation can now apply online to get oxygen in Delhi

As caretakers of patients scramble to get oxygen in Delhi, the Delhi government has set up a web portal to supply life-saving gas to those in home isolation after being infected with the coronavirus.

The portal — — will go live on Thursday. Those requiring oxygen can apply with a valid photo id, Aadhar card details, Covid positive report and other documents like CT scan report if available, an order by the Delhi government read.

District magistrates have been given the responsibility to identify “dedicated dealers/depots to distribute such cylinders to individuals who shall not be redirected to refilling plants under any circumstances”.

“The district magistrates shall ensure that adequate number of office personnel are assigned to scrutinise all incoming applications and issue e-passes quickly as time is of essence in such cases,” the order read.

“This may be accorded top priority. The DMs shall ensure that the dealers regularly get their cylinders refilled from the designated refilling plants,” it added.

Based on the stock availability, the district magistrates will issue a pass having the date, time and address of the dealer/depot from where the oxygen cylinder can be issued/exchanged.

The order said a provision of lump-sum allocation of oxygen (to be given through cylinders) for individuals, non-Covid hospitals, nursing homes , ambulances and SOS cylinders of Covid hospitals running on LMO had already been made against re-fillers with each district being assigned a re-filler.