Himachal Pradesh / Kangada : Captain Sanjay gave COVID 83 lakh medicines, medical equipmentUna will also give one crore medicines and equipment to the district administrationGoods entrusted to the district administration through the National Self-Service Association

83 million rupees to deal with COVID-19 through ADM Rohit Thakur at the request of Rashtriya Swayamsevak, Captain Sanjay Parashar and volunteer of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Swana’s philanthropist and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh of Dehra sub-division of Kangra district Presented medicines, PPE Kits, Oximeter.
On this occasion, Department of National Self-Service Association, Sahkaryavah Bhushan and District Career Abhishek were also present. On this occasion, ADM Rohit Thakur thanked Capt. Sanjay Parashar and said that voluntary organizations are also extending their full support to the district administration to deal with Kovid-19 and also on behalf of the government for the treatment and proper care of COVID infected.
Meaningful steps have been taken.
He said that cooperation of administration, government as well as common public is also necessary to deal with Kovid infection. On this occasion, the volunteer and department-cum-unionist of the Swayamsevak Sangh, Bhushan Raina said that in order to deal with this epidemic of Kovid-19, the volunteers are assuring their constructive cooperation under different projects and always urge the volunteers to help according to their potential. lives.
On this occasion, philanthropist and volunteer Captain Sanjay Parashar said that on the request of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, in the first phase, the district administration received 2925 PPE kits, 800 pulse oximeter, 50 thousand vitamin C pills, 25000 zinc, 25 thousand ivermectin tablets, 2500 Thousands of Doxycycline capsules have been presented and further help will be continued on demand from the district administration. He informed that through the National Self-Service Association, one crore medicines and necessary medical equipment will also be presented soon for Una district administration, for this, orders have been sent to various pharmaceutical companies, while Una’s Palakwah Kovid Care Center Oxygen regulator and nebulizer will also be presented. Capt Sanjay Parashar informed that distribution of medicines including oximeter has also been ensured for Kovid infected in Jaswan Pragpur, Dehra and Jwalaji. It is noteworthy that Captain Sanjay Parashar is also the owner of BBN Ship Company and a member of National Shipping Board while his wife is the owner of BRM Ship Company