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Uttar Pradesh : Cadets will be able to choose NCC as optional subject

Under the provision of encouraging NCC in the new education policy of the Government of India, the UGC and AICTE have now approved the students to choose NCC as an elective subject. This is an important step to make college and university students disciplined and instill a sense of patriotism among them. Detailed information about the CBSE, a general elective credit course for the introduction of NCC, is being given by the Commanding Officer of NCC Units of NCC Directorate, Uttar Pradesh Lucknow, to the general elective credit course for the introduction of NCC. Soon many universities may include NCC as an elective in this year’s syllabus. Students who enroll as NCC cadets will receive educational credits in addition to the credit B and C certificates for NCC training and will be able to avail the employment facilities provided under various Central and State Government schemes. The inclusion of NCC as an elective subject will enhance the values of discipline and team spirit. After getting into the basic curriculum of NCC, basic education of cadets will get a new direction. There is an atmosphere of happiness among all NCC cadets from this proposal and it is considered a very important step by senior academics and knowledgeable experts.