Wind speed of 25 to 35 kmph likely for next 4 days: IMD

As per National Weather Forecasting Center of IMD, Issued Time: 1150 hrs IST) Weather Forecast for North-West India, Main Weather Conditions recorded during last 24 hours (Issue Time 0830 IST) Uttarakhand, Rain and thunder were recorded at one or two places in Uttar Pradesh and East Rajasthan. The weather remained dry over rest of Northwest India.
While there was thunder at one or two places in Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. Dust storm also occurred at one or two places in Uttar Pradesh.
The highest temperature in Northwest India was recorded at 45.0°C in Ganganagar, Rajasthan.
Weather Forecast for Upcoming 5 Days (Valid till 8:30 AM on June 13, 2021)
No significant change in the maximum temperature is likely over the plains of North-West India for the next 48 hours, after which the temperature may drop by 2 to 4 degree Celsius.
Squally wind speed reaching 25 to 35 kmph is very likely over the northern plains of the country for the next 4 days.
Weather Forecast for 13 June to 15 June 2021 (Valid from 13 June 8:30 AM IST to 15 June 8:30 AM IST)
Except Rajasthan, rest of Northwest India may receive rainfall at most places during this period. Rain is forecast at one or two places in Rajasthan.
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