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Uttarakhand : Changing CM in 3 months is an insult to democracy and mandate: Sanjay Kishor

The people of the state have to bear the brunt of the infighting between the BJP.

Vikas Nagar : The Congress has raised strong objections to the practice of changing the Chief Minister within three months in the state and changing the Chief Minister repeatedly during the BJP rule. Congress District President strongly condemned it and termed it as an insult to democracy and mandate. Congress District President Sanjay Kishore Mahendru said that the Chief Minister was changed in the BJP government only three months ago, now a new Chief Minister has been elected. He taunted that despite having a thumping majority, the Chief Minister has to be changed, which clearly shows that there is tremendous squabble within the BJP. Due to which the people of the state are suffering. He said that the BJP government has no concern with the people of the state. The government does not have any concrete policy for the solution and relief of the problems of the people. Said that BJP only wants to do politics of power. Changing the face of the Chief Minister is not going to benefit the BJP. The people of the state have understood the tricks and character of the BJP. Instead of developing the state, BJP’s goal is only to gain power.