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More than 55 crore vaccines provided to states and union territories so far

Central government said

The central government is committed to expanding the coverage of COVID-19 vaccination across the country and accelerating the pace of vaccination. A new round of all-availability of COVID-19 vaccines has been started from 21 June. The vaccination campaign was increased through the availability of more and more vaccines. Under this, states and union territories were provided with prior information about the availability of the vaccine, so that they could better plan the vaccine and streamline the supply chain of the vaccine.

As part of the nationwide immunization campaign, the Central Government is supporting the States and Union Territories by providing them free of cost COVID vaccine. In the new phase of universal availability of vaccines, the central government will procure 75 per cent of the vaccines from vaccine manufacturers and provide them free of cost to the states and union territories.

So far, more than 55.01 crore vaccine doses have been provided by the Central Government to the States and Union Territories from all types of sources. Apart from this, 59,16,920 doses are ready to be sent.

As per the data available till 8 am today, a total of 52,59,93,669 doses have been consumed including the wasted doses.

There are more than 2.82 crore (2,82,57,130) additional and unused doses of COVID-19 vaccine left with the States/UTs and private hospitals, which are to be administered.