Uttarakhand / New Tehri : Two friends arrested with smack of one lakh

Police station and SOG team have recovered illegal smack worth one lakh five thousand rupees from two smack smugglers in Bauri. The police have registered a case against both the youths under the NDPS Act and sent them to jail. On the instructions of SSP Tehri Tripti Bhatt, the police is continuously campaigning against the ban on the growing drug trade. On Sunday late evening, the team of New Tehri police station and SOG in a joint operation, Pankaj Kumain (32) son Ramchandra Kumain, resident Kathuli, 4.10 village from Pratapnagar and Laxman Singh (21) from the park near Sai Chowk in Bauradi. Son Vijay Singh resident, Dhungidhar, recovered 3.05 grams of illegal smack from near Nirmal residence. The police has estimated the value of illegal smack caught from both the youths as one lakh five thousand rupees. CO Rajan Singh and Mahesh Chandra Binjola said that on the information of the informer, both the youths were searched, after which illegal smack was recovered, a case has been registered against both of them under the NDPS Act in New Tehri Kotwali, to be presented in the court. After that he was sent to jail. Sukhpal Singh, Suratram, Ashok, SOG Himanshu Chaudhary, Vikas Saini, Rakesh were present in the police team.