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Prepare for the third wave of Corona, the states got the letter

Medical experts have feared the arrival of a third wave of corona due to negligence in the festive season. Experts have also suggested strict steps to be taken to stop gatherings in festivals. Meanwhile, the central government on Saturday directed the states and union territories to conduct a thorough analysis of the situation in Corona. It also suggested that states and union territories should strengthen health infrastructure and stock essential medicines.

Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba reviewed the COVID-19 management and response strategy through video conferencing with the States and Union Territories. Gauba told the states that no place can be given to any kind of negligence. In view of the challenges of Corona, the state government should increase the human resource in the hospitals. Gauba advised the states not to indulge in any kind of negligence during the festival season. He also instructed to take strict steps to prevent corona infection.
Citing the example of countries in the world that have seen several waves of corona, Rajiv Gauba expressed concern over the high positivity rate in some parts of the country. He advised the state governments to improve health infrastructure and stock essential medicines. Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan highlighted the emerging challenge of serotype-II dengue in 11 states which is associated with more complications than other variants of the disease.

The central government asked the states for early detection of cases, operation of fever helplines, adequate stock of test kits and medicines. States have also been asked to take steps like deployment of quick reaction teams for speedy investigation. The Union Health Secretary also suggested to sensitize blood banks for fever case survey, contact tracing, vector control, maintaining adequate stock of blood and platelets.

Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan told the states and union territories that 70 districts in 15 states are a matter of concern as 34 of these districts have more than 10 per cent positivity rate. Not only this, the positivity rate in 36 districts of these states is in the range of 5-10 percent. Keeping in view the upcoming festive season, the Health Ministry has directed the State Governments to ensure all necessary precautions. Also suggested to take effective steps to avoid crowded closed places.

In fact, experts say that negligence on the part of people in following the Kovid protocol in gatherings during the festive season can prove to be an important factor in the growth of corona. According to experts, in relation to the third wave, the new variant of corona can prove to be fatal as there will be a possibility of its rapid spread in the crowd of people during the festive season. Experts have warned that the biggest danger regarding the third wave will be in the festive season itself.