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Uttarakhand / Champawat : LND employees adjourned dharna

Members of the Uttarakhand Public Works Department’s regular work-charged employees’ union sat on a dharna on Tuesday for various demands. In the evening, on the assurance of EE of Lonvi, the employees postponed the protest. On Tuesday, under the chairmanship of divisional president Harish Chandra Tiwari, the regular work-charge workers demonstrated. Till 4 pm, the workers postponed the protest on the talks with EE Mahesh Chandra Pandey of Lonvi. Here Divisional President Harish Tiwari, Regional President Lalit Sharma, Vice President Chintamani Kapri, District General Secretary Harish Bhatt, Mukesh Kharkwal, Secretary Ganga Dutt, Hayat Singh, Laxman Singh, Puran Chandra Joshi, Prakash Singh, Prem Singh, Vinod Upreti, Bhupal Singh, Prakash Singh Tadagi, Kailash Chilkoti, Diwan Singh, Prahlad Singh, Ratan Singh were there.