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Uttarakhand / Haridwar : Class IV employees warned of agitation

Class IV State Employees Union Medical Health Services has warned of agitation, expressing disappointment over not being given incentive allowance to class IV workers, contractual, outsourced workers, despite the orders of the Chief Minister. Representatives of the employees’ union say that orders have been issued to give incentive allowance to the medical officers and officers and employees of the Medical Education Department. Due to which there is great despair and resentment among the fourth class workers of the Health Department, which can take the form of agitation anytime. State President Dinesh Lakheda, General Secretary Sunil Adhikari, State Vice President Nelson Arora, Spokesperson Shivnarayan Singh said that injustice has always been happening to class IV employees of the Health Department. Not promoted before. Now despite the orders of the Chief Minister, the incentive allowance which is to be given as respect is not being received. When it came to the service of corona patients in corona duty, first of all, class IV personnel, contractual, outsourced, contract cleaning workers were sent to serve the patients in the ward. The employees served the patients by playing on their lives. But when it comes to respect, heelahwali which is sad and unjust and disobeying the orders of the Chief Minister. State Auditor Mahesh Kumar, Senior State Vice President Girish Pant, District Minister Rakesh Bhanwar said that along with COVID Ward, field staff of District Hospital, Blood Fund, Community Primary Health Center also worked in Corona epidemic. Ayurveda employees also worked in the COVID epidemic. COVID wards were made in both the Government Ayurvedic Hospitals of Haridwar. They should also be given respect but they were also not given respect. The Chief Medical Officers of many districts in the state did not even send the names of the employees and the honor that was received from the Honorable Chief Minister on 15th August. In that too, only their own special employees were given a place. The employees who did the work were ignored which is not justified in any way.