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Petrol and diesel remain stable for the second consecutive day

Petrol and diesel prices remained stable in the country for the second day in a row today, amid high levels of crude oil in the international market. Petrol became costlier by 30 paise per liter and diesel by 35 paise per liter domestically for the seventh consecutive day. After this increase, petrol in Delhi also reached Rs 104.44 per liter and diesel at Rs 93.17 per liter. Petrol in Mumbai is priced at Rs 110.38 and diesel at Rs 101. per liter.

Right now the price of petrol has crossed Rs 100 per liter in most of the major cities of the country and diesel is also moving towards hitting a century. Petrol has become costlier by Rs 2.80 in the last 10 out of the last 11 days except on October 4 this month. Diesel has also gone up by Rs 3.30 per liter during this period.

Crude oil still remained high in the international market. On Tuesday, a fluctuating trend was observed in crude oil in the US. During this, Brent crude fell by $ 0.23 to $ 83.42 per barrel at the close of trading last night, while US crude rose $ 0.10 to $ 80.52 per barrel.
According to oil marketing company Indian Oil Corporation, petrol in Delhi reached Rs 104.44 per liter and diesel at Rs 93.17 per liter.

Prices of petrol and diesel are reviewed daily and on the basis of that new prices are implemented every day from 6 am.

City Name——Petrol (Rs/Litre)——(Diesel Rs/Litre)
Delhi————— 104.44—————— 93.17
Mumbai-—————110.38—————— 101.00
Chennai—————-101.76 -——————97.56