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VT-4 tank an example of Pak-China strategic ties : Pak Army Chief

Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa visited Gujranwala to see the state-of-the-art Chinese-origin VT-4 tank being inducted into the strike formation. The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) quoted General Qamar as saying, “The VT-4 tank is another symbol of Pakistan-China strategic cooperation and defense cooperation and its inclusion will boost our defense capabilities.”

He also witnessed the demonstration of the VT-4 tank, which is a strong fighting machine.

The ISPR said that by virtue of its excellent armor protection, high maneuverability and exceptional firepower, the VT-4 can be compared to any modern main battle tank in the world.

Equipped with an auto transmission system and deep water forging operation capability, it is regarded as a powerful weapon of strike formation. COAS also visited the Dynamic Integrated Training Simulator of VT-4.