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Uttarakhand : Ganga water suitable for bathing but not potable

Ganga itself became dirty after washing off the sins of the devotees. The water of the Ganges is not safe for drinking and consumption without chlorination or treatment. However, it is suitable for taking a bath. This has been revealed in the latest report of Uttarakhand Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board (PCB). The PCB has sampled Ganga water from 12 places from Bhagirath Bindu and Harki Paidi to Roorkee. The amount of coliform (FC) and total coliform (TC) in the sampling report was found to be much higher than the standard standard. However, the levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) have been found to be well above the standard, which is suitable for aquatic fauna.

Haridwar is the center of Hindu faith. Every day thousands and lakhs of devotees take a holy dip in the Ganges to earn merit. The largest crowd gathers at Harki Paidi. The water current comes from Bhagirath point till Harki Paidi. Before the start of Chardham Yatra, the PCB took samples of Gangajal for testing from 12 places from Haridwar to Roorkee. These include Harki Paidhi. There are 25 standards of sampling. There are four main standards. The quality of water is decided in different categories only after the test report of the standards.

The PCB has issued the investigation report. According to the report, the water of Ganga is of B category in the overall test report of all the samples. That is, B class water is not potable without chlorination or treatment. The amount of coliform and total coliform is found to be very high in water. The lowest Tc coliform level (63 Mpn) was found at Harki Paidi in all the 12 samples tested. That is, there is the cleanest water on every foot. Even after this the water is not fit to drink or drink directly. Water is potable only below 50 mpn. The level of coliform has also increased with the flow of Ganga. That is, the chemical and sewer filth of factories is going into the Ganges. The level of coliform is found to be 120 in Laksar Kudinetwal. Similarly the level of FC Colipharmak at Harki Paidi is 46 mpn. Which has been recorded 94 MPN in Kankarkheda, Laksar. The water of the Ganges may not be potable for humans without chlorination, but it is quite good for aquatic animals.

Pollution will increase with the pressure of passengers

  • The pollution level in the Ganges rises with the pressure of the travelers. The number of passengers reaching Haridwar in Chardham Yatra has increased significantly. Thousands of pilgrims are taking a dip in the Ganges every day. This will also increase water pollution. Travelers throw dirt in the Ganges. During the rainy season, the level of coliform reaches very high due to the flow of soil and silt.

Coliform is a group of specific bacteria (bacterium). Which is found in soil, rotten vegetables, animal feces and dirty water. Coliform is found in polluted water. Coliform bacteria weaken the nervous system when they enter the human body. Due to which complaints like fever and diarrhea start. Kidney damage can occur if not treated on time.
– Dr. Sanjay Shah, Physician

What is Standard Standard

  • The minimum level of dissolved oxygen (DO) should be more than 5 milligrams per liter. Less than this is considered a threat to the aquatic fauna. The level of DO in Haridwar has been found from 6.8 to 9.5.
  • The standard of biological oxygen demand (BOD) is 3 grams per liter. If it is less than this, then the level of oxygen in the water increases. The BOD level in Haridwar is 1.1 to 2.5.
  • Coliform (FC) and Total Coliform (TC) are the most important factors of water purity. Only water below 50 mpn is potable. Water above 50 mpn is suitable for bathing. It can also be treated and drunk. The average FC in Haridwar is 34 to 94. Whereas TC 63 to 120 MPN is found, which is not directly potable. Suitable for bathing.

There are many points to measure the purity of water. On the basis of points, the water level is divided into different categories. A class standard water is potable. Whereas B and C category water can be made potable by bathing and treatment. D category water is considered suitable for animals. In Haridwar, PCB has tested Gangajal from 12 places. In the test, the level of dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD) was found to be better than the standard standard. Whereas the water of Ganga has come in B category due to high level of FC and TC. It is not drinkable without chlorination.
– Subhash Panwar, Regional Officer PCB

Ganga water investigation report from Haridwar to Roorkee

Sampling DO BDO TC FC
Bindubhagirath 8.1 2.0 70 47
Harki Padi 9.0 1.5 63 46
Laltaro Bridge 8.1 1.6 79 43
Damkothi 8.8 1.5 79 49
Rishikul 6.8 1.2 79 49
Roorkee 9.5 1.1 110 70
Ajitpur 9.2 1.9 84 58
Bishanpur 8.2 1.8 94 58
Sultanpur 8.8 1.2 84 34
LUXOR 6.8 2.4 110 84
Kudinetwal 6.5 2.0 120 84
Kankarkheda 6.8 2.5 110 94