‘New India’ means new bulldozer system

Recently, young activist Afreen Fatima’s house in Prayagraj (formerly Allahabad) was demolished. According to his younger sister Sumaiya, barely a day before the notice was pasted at their house and the very next day – which was a Sunday, it was demolished under the supervision of a senior police officer.
When the house was being demolished, Afreen and Sumaiya’s father Mohammad Javed – himself an activist associated with the Welfare Party – were behind bars who were allegedly arrested by the police during the demonstrations after Friday prayers in Allahabad on June 10 and the subsequent Has been declared the ‘mastermind’ of the incidents of violence. Sumaiya and his mother were in police custody during the demolition. Documents show that this house, which was owned by Sumaiya’s mother Parveen Fatima, was given to her by her father as a gift. Not only this, it was told in the media reports that the house tax bills of this house were also in the name of Parveen Fatima. It is certain that the way this process went on, there is tremendous resentment among a section of the public whether there is rule of law in India.
Keep in mind that the name of former Chief Justice Govind Mathur certainly does not need any introduction.
Janab Mathur, who retired from his post in the month of April, had constantly reminded the state government of constitutional values and principles during his limited tenure and there were many issues when he forced the government to take its steps back, which decisions such as Violated values and principles. It may be recalled that in his own court, Dr. Declared the arrest of Kafeel Khan as ‘arbitrary’ and illegal and released him, Dr. at Aligarh Muslim University. Kafeel Khan’s lecture which was declared objectionable by the state government, he had described the same lecture as increasing the unity of the nation; Posters of people involved in the anti-CAA movement are pasted in cities and in a way defaming them and making their lives unsafe • He has declared government efforts as ‘unwarranted interference in the privacy’ of the people and has repeatedly raised his stand in favor of human rights. The bar was cleaned.
The question arises whether the present judiciary will immediately look into the petition filed in this case by eminent lawyers of Allahabad who have pointed out the demolition of this residential house and the alleged legal excesses during this period.