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Madhya Pradesh : A child with four hands, four legs and four ears was born, people started telling the incarnation of Brahma

A woman admitted to a government hospital in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh gave birth to a strange child. This child had four arms, four legs and four ears. Shortly after the birth of this child, this news spread in the whole city and the crowd gathered to see the child. However, the child died within half an hour. Many types of rumors have started in the city regarding this child born in Navratri and on the ninth date. Some people called this child an incarnation of Brahma, while some called it a bad omen for the country and society.

According to the news, a woman residing in nearby village Shivriya, admitted to the government hospital of Mundi in Khandwa district, gave birth to this child on Tuesday. The child was healthy at birth, but died only half an hour later. The staff of the hospital put the information about the birth of this strange child on social media. Thereafter, the news spread all over the city and people thronged the hospital to see this child. The situation came to such an extent that the hospital management had to call the police to control the crowd.

The same 32-year-old woman Gulka Bai and her husband Rahul Garve, who gave birth to this child, are both disabled. Rahul Garve sees little, while Gulka Bai has bad eyesight. Both make their living by working as laborers. They also have a one year old daughter. Renu, an ASHA worker from Shivriya, told that the woman was given regular iron tablets. All the vaccines were also done on time. In the past, sonography of the woman was also done. It was revealed that the child was stunted. The woman was advised to have an abortion, but she refused. He had also consulted some Baba regarding this child.