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15 year old minor was complaining of stomach ache, mother reached to doctor, doctor told pregnant

When a minor’s health deteriorated in Gurugram, the family took him to the hospital. When the doctors examined him, everyone was stunned. A three-month-old baby was growing in the stomach of the minor. When the mother questioned the daughter in this regard, there were shocking revelations. On the complaint of the minor’s mother, the Gurugram police arrested a 49-year-old man in this case on Saturday.

Went to the hospital for treatment of stomach pain

According to news agency PTI, on Saturday, when the 15-year-old girl suddenly started having stomach pain, she told her mother. The minor’s mother took him to the hospital for treatment. On examination, the doctors told that her daughter is three months pregnant. Hearing this, the ground slipped under the feet of the mother. On being asked by the mother, the minor narrated the ordeal. The teenager said that 49-year-old Noor Mohammad raped her twice in the last six months. On telling anyone about this, the accused also threatened to kill his parents.

Called at home on the pretext of giving money

It is being told that the accused person lives in Khandsa village of Sector 37 and works in a private company. The victim’s mother works as a cloth presser in the area. The victim told that the accused had come to the mother’s shop six months ago to give clothes. After getting the clothes pressed, he came home and asked to take money. At the behest of the mother, the minor went to the house of the accused, where the accused Noor Mohammad molested her. The accused also threatened to face the consequences if he told anyone.

Case registered under POCSO Act

The minor’s mother lodged a police report in this regard, after which the police arrested the accused Noor Mohammad on Saturday. A case has been registered against the accused under the POCSO Act.