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A big accident happened in Bihar, the dredging machine swallowed 50 buffaloes in the Ganges river! two shepherds also missing

A major accident has happened in the Ganges river in Bhagalpur, Bihar. More than 50 buffaloes are feared to have died after being hit by a dredging machine at the Mushari Ghat of the Ganges. Along with the buffaloes, two shepherds are missing. However, the administration is still running a search operation in Ganga considering both the persons missing. Both Karu Yadav and Sikandar Yadav, who were hit by the machine, were residents of Mayaganj locality. This incident happened on Sunday around 1.30 pm. According to eyewitnesses, the shepherds were crossing the Ganges with a herd of about a hundred buffaloes to graze in Diara. Meanwhile, a ship with a dredging machine was passing from there. The suction power of the dredging machine was enough to pull the buffaloes and the shepherd towards it. Former councilor of ward number 27, Umar Chand, told the local resident that a total of 8 people were crossing the Ganges with buffaloes. Six of these people somehow saved their lives by grabbing the tires and the outer part of the ship. But two people got hit by the dredging machine.

Here after the information of the incident, SDO Dhananjay Kumar reached Mushari Ghat along with other officers. On his instructions, the SDRF team is running a search operation to find both the missing people in the Ganges. Meanwhile, cut parts of many buffaloes were found floating in the Ganges. The remains of some buffalo bodies were exhumed at Burari and fore. For the post-mortem of the dead buffaloes, the doctor and team of the Animal Husbandry Department have been called at the Mushari Ghat itself.

Compensation will be decided

The SDO said that initially 20-25 buffaloes were reported to have been bitten. When they reached the ghat, people are telling that more than 50 buffaloes have been hit by the dredging machine. He said that the search operation is going on now. Something can be said after the body is recovered. Regarding the compensation of the people, SDO Dhananjay Kumar said that the officials of the Disaster Management Department have been called. They have informed the headquarters, the decision on compensation will be taken according to the provision that will be there. Let us inform that after the incident, a huge crowd of people gathered at Mushari Ghat. A large number of police forces have also been called there.

Don’t tell mother that my babuji is no more

After the accident with the ship with the dredging machine, the people present at Mushari Ghat informed Karu Yadav’s house. Wife Usha Devi and daughter Mamta Kumari ran away from home and reached Mushari Ghat. After reaching here, Usha Devi was told that her husband is still alive, search is on. He is mad. Mamta, the daughter standing next to her, says don’t tell the mother that Babuji is no more. The truth is that now my babuji is no more. Those who were left swam out. But my babuji did not return. Don’t tell my mother that my babuji is no more, otherwise she will not survive.
Mamta told that her cousin informed about the incident over phone. Karu Yadav was the father of six daughters and used to run the household with the income of buffalo milk. He doesn’t have any son. One daughter is unmarried. Daughter Mamta says who will marry my sister now. How will our house run? He told that he had only 14 buffaloes which died in this accident. The name of the second deceased is Sikander Yadav, a resident of Masdapur locality of Mayaganj. After the incident, his family members also reached Mushari Ghat. But in the hope that they could flow away and meet at some other ghat, they were scouring the ghats ahead.

Dredging machine removes the silt in the Ganges

Dredging machines in the Ganges remove the silt deposited at the bottom. This work has been going on for the last several months. This work is done for the movement of cargo ships carrying water in the Ganges. A station has also been built for this in Bhagalpur, which is near Maharaj Ghat in Khanjarpur locality. It was told that after the accident, the ship with the dredging machine was deployed at the station. After this incident, people got very excited and seeing the crowd of people, the ship drivers took the ship and went to their station. After this incident, when they reached the station to know the side of the driver, the employees did not open the gate.

Every day people go to Diara with buffaloes from this ghat

Umar Chand, a local resident and councilor of the ward, said that daily shepherds bring buffaloes to the Mushari Ghat and cross the Ganges to graze on grass. On Sunday also people had reached the ghat as before and were going to Diara with buffaloes. During this the accident happened. He alleged that the ship’s driver should have controlled his ship or should have taken a turn when he saw the buffaloes. It is entirely the fault of the ship’s driver. The driver knows how much capacity the machine was in the ship and what accident can happen, so why did he not alert the people. Till date, the shepherd was never even stopped from going to Diara at Mushari Ghat.