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Chhattisgarh / Surguja: The extent of negligence! Forced to take the dead body by auto, Muktanjali did not reach even in four hours

In Chhattisgarh’s Ambikapur Medical College Hospital, once again the negligence of the driver and employees of Muktanjali dead body has come to the fore. After death during treatment in the hospital, the family members kept calling Muktanjali’s staff to take the dead body home. Initially, Muktanjali’s staff assured him that he was on his way and would soon reach the hospital. But after that the drivers stopped picking up the phone. After waiting for five hours, the family members were forced to take the dead body in an auto.

Died at 11 o’clock in the night

Duryodhan Singh, a resident of Sargwan in the city, was admitted to the Medical College Hospital after his health deteriorated. During the investigation in the hospital, it was revealed that his sugar level was low. His health was also improving. But in the meantime, he fell in the hospital while going to the bathroom due to weakness. His health deteriorated due to the fall. His condition started deteriorating from around 9 o’clock on Monday night and by 11 o’clock he died.

The dead body did not reach the hospital

After death during treatment, the family started preparations to take the dead body home and called on 1099 and called Muktanjali dead body. During this, it was initially informed that one ambulance has gone to Balrampur district while the other has gone to Udaipur and the third to Sitapur. Out of these, there was talk of the family of the deceased with the ambulance staff who went towards Sitapur. The driver told him that he had left Sitapur. It should have taken a maximum of two hours to reach the dead body from Sitapur. Surprisingly, not a single dead body returned to the hospital till 4 o’clock in the morning.

Private ambulance drivers activated

According to the family, “Not a single dead body reached the hospital till 4 o’clock in the morning. During this, the brokers and drivers of private ambulances standing outside the hospital became active. Constantly contacted and talked about taking them home but we refused. The relatives of the deceased also alleged that there was a nexus between the driver of the private ambulance and the drivers of the dead body. When the dead body does not reach in the time of trouble, people will be compelled to take the dead body by paying a hefty amount to the ambulance people.”

Will take action and send report to the government

Ambikapur Medical College Hospital Superintendent Dr Lakhan Singh said, “Information about the incident has been received. We have questioned our nursing staff and staff. Whoever is negligent in this matter, action will be taken against him. Responsible officers of the dead vehicle will be called for questioning and the report will also be sent to the government.