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Haryana / Gurugram : Girl’s body found in closed suitcase, there was not a single cloth on her body, sensational incident in Gurugram

A sensational case of murder has come to light in Gurugram, Haryana, adjacent to Delhi. The girl’s body was found in a closed suitcase near the bushes at IFFCO Chowk along the Delhi-Jaipur highway. The auto driver passing by informed the police after seeing the suitcase lying in suspicious condition. The policeman was also surprised as soon as the suitcase was opened. The body of a 25-year-old girl in a naked condition was in a suitcase. By sending the body to the postmortem house, the police have started efforts to identify the girl.

According to the police, this matter came to light on Monday evening. Around 4 pm, an auto driver informed the police that a suspicious suitcase was lying on the roadside near IFFCO Chowk. While coming from Jaipur to Delhi, while turning from IFFCO Chowk towards Sukhrali village, this suitcase is lying near the bushes on the side of the road. As soon as the information was received, the police team reached from Sector-18 police station. When the police team opened the suitcase, they saw the girl’s body in a naked condition inside. Seeing this, the senses of the policemen were blown away.

When and who threw the dead body?
When the information was given to the officials, DCP West Deepak Saharan also reached the spot. Sector-18 police station SHO, crime branch, forensic team were called to the spot. On investigation of the spot, it came to light that after killing the girl at some other place, the body was thrown in a suitcase and thrown here. But it is not yet clear when and by whom the body was thrown. Neighbors were questioned but the deceased could not be identified.

Police engaged in investigation with the help of CCTV footage
A few meters ahead of the place where the dead body was found, there is also a petrol pump of a former MLA. The police is now also checking the CCTV footage of this pump. So that it can be known that the accused who came in which vehicle has thrown the dead body here.

The postmortem of the dead body will be done
DCP West Deepak Saharan said that an FIR is being registered in the matter. Efforts are on to identify the deceased. The postmortem of the dead body will be done by the board of doctors. Only after that the real cause of death will be known.