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Now the detection of cancer will be done by the breath test, the scientists of IIT Roorkee are amazing

Cancer cases are increasing every year in India. Deaths are also happening due to this. The major reason for increasing the patients of this deadly disease is that most people are not aware of the symptoms of cancer, but now cancer can be identified very easily. A team of professors from IIT Roorkee has developed a breath based cancer detector. Which can detect breast, lung and oral cancer. With the help of this BLO detector, cancer test will be done within few minutes. This achievement has been achieved by IIT Professor Indranil Lahiri, Professor Partha Roy, Professor Debarupa Lahiri and some other researchers from their group. Taking details about the device, Professor Indranil Lahiri, lead researcher of BLO detector said that it is a simple, pocket-friendly device. With the help of this, breast, lung and mouth cancer will be easily identified. Patients just have to blow into this device. Immediately after this one can match the color of the substrate with a given color code and get information about the likelihood of breast, lung and oral cancers.

Patients will be treated easily

Professor ML Sharma, Acting Director of IIT Roorkee said that most of the cancer cases are reported in the advanced stage. The reason for this is that people are diagnosed with cancer late. Now with the help of this device, cancer will be detected early. This will greatly increase the chances of a complete recovery of the patient.

He said that in today’s world cancer detection is becoming more expensive, I am happy to know that this device will be beneficial for those people who are suffering from cancer and they are unable to get tested or treated due to high cost. Huh.

Many people will be screened

Professor ML Sharma said that this detector will enable screening of a large population and it will be able to identify these three types of cancer easily. Those who get cancer positive in the test of this device will be able to get their treatment done on time. This will increase the survival rate of cancer patients and will help in reducing the number of deaths.

Collaboration with Tata Steel

Debashish Bhattacharjee, Vice President, Technology and New Materials Business, Tata Steel, said that Tata Steel will develop the BLO detector and bring it to the masses. For this an agreement has been signed with IIT Roorkee. I am happy to announce that Tata Steel will also work for this equipment.