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Rajasthan : Sir I want to have a child, my husband should be released on parole, the rapist’s wife applied in the High Court

These days a decision of the Rajasthan High Court is being discussed fiercely on social media. In fact, the High Court has ordered 15 days parole to the convict, who is serving a sentence for rape. Surprisingly, in the court, the convict’s wife has cited for parole that her husband should be released from jail to have a child, so that he can increase his lineage. Let us tell you that this is the first time in the state that a rape accused has been released on parole. According to the information received, in the year 2019, a case of raping a minor was registered against the accused Rahul. During the hearing in the case, the court convicted Rahul and he was sentenced. It was told that Rahul is in jail since October 2020.

At the same time, Rahul’s wife reached the High Court in July 2022 and demanded release of her husband on 30-day parole, citing clerical and constitutional rights. Apart from this, it was also said in the application that it would be against the spirit of Articles 14 and 21 to prevent the wife to become pregnant or progeny. After a long hearing and arguments, the court released Rahul on parole for 15 days instead of 30 days. This case in itself is very unique.