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People with ‘one word name’ in passport will not be able to enter UAE, entry banned

If your name is written in only one word in the passport then you will not get entry in UAE. Under the new guidelines of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), now people with only one name in the passport will not be allowed to enter the country. The order has been issued referring to the latest guidelines of UAE.

According to the circular issued by Air India Express and Air India, “Any passport holder having only one word name or surname will not be permitted to enter UAE and the passenger will be treated as INAD (Inadmissible Passenger).”

According to the November 21 circular, such passengers (having one word names) will not be issued visas and will be treated as INADs by the immigration authorities, if already issued visas. The guidelines have come into effect. UAE is a constitutional union of seven emirates including Dubai. Abu Dhabi city is the capital of United Arab Emirates.