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Uttar Pradesh / Farrukhabad: The new bride took away cash and jewelry worth lakhs from her in-laws house, got married again after going to her maternal home!

In the district, a new bride ran away from her in-laws’ house with jewelery and cash worth lakhs. On the 5th day of marriage, the bride went to her maternal home on Chauth’s farewell to her in-laws, during which she along with her family members took out jewelry worth Rs.6 lakh and Rs.55,000 in cash from the box kept in the house. After the farewell of the bride, the in-laws found the lock of the box broken. Later, when the boys called the girl’s side, it came to know that only the bride had taken away the jewelery and money. The people of the girl’s side talked about sending jewelry and money along with the girl’s farewell to her in-laws’ house. But when the boys went to bid farewell to the girl, they came to know that the girl had remarried. The aggrieved party has given a complaint in the matter and demanded action.

Police Station Maudarwaja in-charge Amod Kumar told that Amit Chauhan, son of Krishna Singh Chauhan, a resident of Mohalla Maulvi Badan Khan, was married to Sadhna, daughter of Mahesh Chandra, a resident of Markhara, Kanpur, on February 11. Mahesh Chandra reached Farrukhabad on February 15, four days after the marriage, to bid farewell to Chauth. During this, Shri Krishna and his wife were engaged in preparations for the daughter-in-law’s farewell. It is alleged that during this time he went to buy some goods in the market and after getting a chance, his daughter-in-law Sadhna and her family members broke the lock and took out 55 thousand rupees and jewelry worth about 6 lakh rupees kept in the house.

After the daughter-in-law’s farewell, when Shri Krishna and his wife saw the lock of the box broken late in the evening, they were shocked, the jewelery and cash kept in it were missing. Its Shri Krishna called the girl side and talked to Mahesh Chand. After some delay, Mahesh Chand talked about returning the jewelery and money when the daughter returned to her in-laws house.

Shri Krishna alleges that during this time when he went to Kanpur on February 27 to bid farewell to his daughter-in-law, he came to know that his daughter-in-law had married another young man. After this, when he asked the girl’s side to return the jewelery and ornaments, the girl refused and also threatened to kill him. In the case, the police have registered a case of cheating against Babu Singh, who mediated the marriage along with 9 accused. The matter is being investigated. Action will be taken on the basis of whatever facts emerge from the investigation.