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Despite the war with Ukraine and Western sanctions, Russian billionaires became rich, know how the game happened

Despite the ongoing Ukraine- Russia war and Western economic and trade sanctions on Russia over the past year, Russian billionaires have become even richer. Forbes Russia has said in a recent report that Russia’s richest people have increased their wealth by about $ 152 billion in the last one year. It has been said in the report that despite the huge increase in the prices of natural resources in the midst of the Ukraine war, Russian billionaires have done this amazing thing.

According to the Russian edition of the US magazine Forbes, Russia has 110 official billionaires on the list, which is 22 more than last year. The report said that at the time of the announcement of the 2022 list, the total wealth of Russian billionaires was $353 billion, which has now increased to $505 billion.

Forbes said the list would have been longer if the five billionaires – DST Global founder Yuri Milner, Revolution founder Nikolay Storonsky, Freedom Finance founder Timur Turlov and JetBrains co- founders Sergey Dmitriev and Valentin Kipyatkov – did not hold Russian citizenship. Would have left

Forbes said that Russia’s billionaires had a net worth of $606 billion in 2021 before the start of the Ukraine war. Along with this, the report said that last year’s rating results were also influenced by the disastrous predictions about the Russian economy.

Let us tell you that on February 24 last year, Russian President Putin had ordered Russian troops to attack Ukraine. After this, many western countries had imposed strict sanctions on Russia and many Russian billionaires. This caused a big blow to the Russian economy. Russia’s economy is set to shrink 2.1% in 2022 under pressure from Western sanctions, but Russia has been able to sell oil, metals and other natural resources to global markets, especially China, India and the Middle East.

The International Monetary Fund this month raised its forecast for Russian growth in 2023 from 0.3% to 0.7%, but cut its 2024 forecast to 1.3% from 2.1%, saying labor shortages and Western companies There is a possibility of damage to the country’s economy due to the migration of

The reason for the boom in the Russian economy is the oil prices. The price of Ural oil, which is called the lifeline of Russia, was $ 69 in 2021, which has increased to an average of $ 76.09 per barrel in 2022. Besides, fertilizer prices were also high last year.

Andrei Melnichenko, who made a lot of money in fertilizers, has been listed by Forbes as Russia’s richest person with an estimated net worth of $25.2 billion. His wealth has more than doubled from last year’s estimate. Vladimir Potanin, the chairman and largest shareholder of Nornickel, the world’s largest producer of palladium and refined nickel, is ranked as the second richest in Russia with a net worth of $23.7 billion.