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Madhya Pradesh: Pregnancy test created a stir, marriage was to be held in mass marriage program, names of 5 girls were removed from the list, when the result of investigation came out

A shocking incident has come to light in Dindori district of Madhya Pradesh. A few days ago, a pregnancy test was done before taking seven rounds under the mass marriage scheme. Out of these 5 girls were found pregnant. This created a ruckus. Everyone was bewildered as to how these girls became pregnant before marriage. After the pregnancy test came positive, her name was removed from the list of mass marriage program. Many types of questions are arising regarding this incident. At the same time, a period of political allegations and counter-allegations also started regarding this.

According to the information, the shadow of controversies has deepened on the ongoing Chief Minister’s Mass Marriage Scheme in Madhya Pradesh. There was a plan to get 219 girls from poorer sections married in Dindori district on Saturday. Medical test of all these was done before marriage. A pregnancy test was also done for the girls going to get married. In this, 5 girls were found pregnant. Means their pregnancy test report came positive. These five girls were excluded from the list of mass marriage scheme. Please tell that a mass marriage program was organized at Gadsarai in Dindori.

Shocking revelation of a girl

Amidst the ruckus and uproar, a young woman made a sensational disclosure. According to media reports, this girl told that she had started living with her fiance even before marriage. This girl told that her pregnancy report came positive, after which she was excluded from the list of girls to be married. There has been an uproar regarding the pregnancy test.

‘Such a test was not done before’

The local people told that this kind of examination had never been done before. Giving clarification on this, the Chief Medical Officer of Dindori said that tests are generally done to detect age verification, anemia and fitness. He told that after the instructions of the higher officials, the pregnancy test of the suspected girls was done. The Chief Medical Officer told that his department only gives health related reports. The Social Justice Department takes the decision of whether to include someone in the marriage program and who is to be excluded.