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Madhya Pradesh / Gwalior: Parents gave up their life after fighting? 18 month old child remained hungry and thirsty for 3 days with dead body of parents, upset, neighbors called police after smell

A shocking incident has happened in the city. The dead bodies of husband and wife have been recovered from the locked house. Neighbors had informed the police after the smell. The one and a half year old child of the couple present in the house wandered near the dead body hungry and thirsty for 3 days.

When the Gwalior police station reached the spot, the one and a half year old child was lying unconscious. According to the police, both the bodies are about 2 to 3 days old. The relatives have told family discord as the main reason for the incident. According to the information, the deceased Sonu alias Noor Alam used to work in a hair salon. He used to have daily quarrels with his wife Shabana. They were married ten years ago and have three children. Surprisingly, the one and a half year old child of the couple stayed in the room with the dead body of the mother for 2 to 3 days. It is being speculated that that is why he must have fainted.

Neighbors called police after smell

On Tuesday evening, when foul smell started coming from the house of Sonu alias Noor Alam, the neighbors informed Shabana’s mother. The house was locked from inside, so the police were also called on the spot. In the presence of the police, somehow breaking the door and going inside, husband Noor Alam’s body was found hanging from the fan in the room. His dead body was stiff and due to decomposition, it was leaking. The same situation was also with the dead body of Shabana hanging from the gallows in the other room. The police got the dead bodies made in the presence of relatives and local people and sent them to the hospital for postmortem.

Innocent kept wandering near the dead body

Noor Alam and Shabana’s one and a half year old son was locked in the house. The innocent wandered around the dead bodies of his parents for three days hungry and thirsty. When the police and neighbors broke open the door, little Zahid started crying bitterly. Only one and a half year old innocent was in his house. Two other children of Noor Alam had gone to their grandmother to celebrate Eid. Noor Alam’s mother told that her son did not do any work and used to smoke smack and other dry drugs. For this reason, there used to be discord in the house every day. In the state of intoxication, he used to brutally fight with his wife and children. The police is currently investigating the matter.