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Uttarakhand: Under the population imbalance, the police will intensify the verification campaign! Dhami gave instructions

Under the population imbalance in Uttarakhand, the police will further intensify the verification drive. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami reviewed the internal security of the state in a meeting of the Home Department on Friday and gave instructions to the higher officials in this regard. The meeting was kept internal. In this, Additional Chief Secretary Home Radha Raturi, Director General of Police Ashok Kumar, besides prominent officers of the Home Department were present.

Let us inform that the Chief Minister has been talking about balancing the demographics in the state since the day he took over the reins of power. There is also talk of making a population policy in the state. Meanwhile, the Dhami government has launched a verification drive to identify and track the movement of anti-social elements and undesirable people in the state.

According to sources, in the meeting, the Chief Minister has given instructions to speed up this campaign. On the instructions of the CM, a campaign is being conducted to identify encroachments and illegal occupations in the guise of religious places from reserved forest areas and government land. The CM instructed the police to run this campaign fast and ensure law and order.