‘Government got irritated with I.N.D.I.A Alliance, hence decided to change the name of the country,’ Rahul Gandhi said in Paris

The controversy regarding the name India vs Bharat has not stopped yet. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has once again attacked the central government. Rahul Gandhi said in Paris, our Constitution uses both the names. Both words are absolutely correct. But it is possible that the name of our alliance may have irritated the government. Because the name of our alliance is I.N.D.I.A. That’s why they may have decided to change the name of the country.
Rahul also talked about the question of attacks on minorities in India. He said, BJP and RSS are trying to stop the expression and participation of lower castes, backward castes and minorities of India. I don’t want an India where people are mistreated.
‘We should have relations with many countries’
Regarding G20 summit and China, Rahul Gandhi said, when you are treating a country like India (in terms of size) like this, then we should have relations with many countries. We are on our own side and as a nation we act in our own interest. We do what suits us in relation to our interest. It becomes difficult for us to choose a side but we strongly believe that voice and democracy are important.
‘China’s production is good, but the process is wrong’
He further said, we all have to be worried about a problem. That problem requires a solution. This is a problem for India, Europe and America. This is a problem for all of us. The problem is that today we live in a world where large-scale production, manufacturing and value addition is being done in China. China has successfully competed against the US and achieved this. They are good at producing things. But they produce it in a non-democratic process. We have to produce and compete with them but give democratic and political freedom.
‘BJP has nothing to do with Hindu religion’
On BJP’s Hindutva ideology, Rahul said, I have read Geeta. I have read the Upanishads and I have also read other Hindu books and I can say that there is nothing Hindu in what BJP does. There is absolutely nothing there. I have never read in any Hindu book, I have never heard from any learned Hindu that you should terrorize or harm those who are weaker than you. These BJP people are not Hindu nationalists. He has nothing to do with Hindu religion. They do anything to get power. They want dominance over some people. There is nothing Hindu in this.
‘200 million people in India feel uncomfortable’
On people feeling uncomfortable in India, Rahul said, if today 200 million people in India are not feeling comfortable. Today Sikhs also feel uncomfortable in India. I think this is a matter of shame for us. This needs to be fixed. There are minorities who feel this way. There are women who feel this way.