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Uttarakhand: Villagers angry over road not being asphalted, announce boycott of upcoming Lok Sabha elections

In the remote Kangra village of Bhilangana block of Uttarkashi district, the villagers have announced boycott of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections due to the lack of asphalting of the road.

Villagers angry over lack of asphalting of road
In the remote Kangra village of Bhilangana block, the villagers are very upset due to lack of asphalting and improvement of Chamiyala-Kangra motorway. There has been a demand for this for a long time. In this regard, the villagers have sent a memorandum to the District Magistrate demanding asphalting of the road before the elections.

Announced boycott of upcoming Lok Sabha elections
A large number of villagers held a meeting in the Panchayati Bhawan courtyard of the village and expressed their anger over the road not being asphalted even after two years and said that several times demands were made to the Public Works Department and Administration for asphalting and improvement of the road. But no attention is being paid to this. Due to which the villagers have warned to boycott the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

There is a danger of an accident
Due to the road being bumpy and in bad condition, people are facing problems in transportation. So there is always a danger of an accident. Village head Sanjay Panwar said that complaints have been made to the Public Works Department several times in this regard. But no action is being taken on this. Due to which the villagers have held a meeting and decided to boycott the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.