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North Korea’s spy satellite Malligyong-1 is still ‘active’, captured pictures of military sites of South Korea and America

North Korea’s first spy satellite is still operational. A Netherlands-based space expert said Tuesday that Pyongyang was successfully controlling the spacecraft, however, its capabilities are unknown.

Actually, this spy satellite of North Korea had failed twice even before it was launched. But, in November last year, North Korea once again successfully placed the Malligyong-1 satellite in orbit.

North Korea claims – has taken pictures of these countries

Pyongyang’s state media claimed it had photographed sensitive military and political sites in South Korea, the United States and elsewhere, but did not release any imagery. Independent radio trackers have not detected a signal from the satellite. Marco Langbroek, a satellite expert at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, claimed in a blog post that North Korea’s satellite is working properly.

North Korea’s control over satellite

From February 19–24, the satellite attempted to raise the lowest point in its orbit from 488 km to 497 km, proving that Malligyong-1 is still functioning properly and that the satellite is in orbit around North Korea. Has control. South Korea’s Defense Ministry said it had also assessed that the satellite was in orbit, but said it would not comment further on individual analyses.

shows no signs of serving any other purpose. ‘Although we cannot actually be sure at present whether the satellite successfully captured imagery,’ Langbroek wrote of Shin’s comments. This also means that as long as the satellite has fuel, North Korea will continue to function. Let us tell you that North Korea, armed with nuclear weapons, has vowed to launch three more spy satellites in 2024.