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Uttarakhand: Why did Lansdowne MLA Dilip Rawat write on social media – “Ram, your Ganga has become dirty while washing away the sins of sinners”

Lansdowne MLA Dilip Rawat has targeted Anukriti Gusain for joining Bharatiya Janata Party. He has made a post on social media. In which, even through gestures, he has also cornered the party leadership.

Ram, your Ganga has become dirty while washing away the sins of sinners

Anukriti Gusain, former cabinet minister and daughter-in-law of Congress leader Harak Singh Rawat, had recently resigned from the Congress. After which he joined BJP on Sunday. After joining BJP, Lansdowne Assembly MLA Dilip Rawat has made a post on social media.

In a post on social media, he has written that “Ram, your Ganga has become dirty while washing away the sins of sinners”. This post of his is being linked to Anukriti joining BJP. It is believed that Lansdowne MLAs are not happy with Anukriti Gusain joining BJP. Once again his anger has come out openly.

The party leadership was also surrounded by gestures

In his post, Lansdowne MLA Dilip Rawat has written, “Ram, your Ganga has become dirty while washing away the sins of the sinners”. Along with this it is written that now will Namami Gange scheme be started here also or not?

Through this post, on one hand he has targeted Anukriti’s joining BJP and on the other hand, even through gestures, he has also raised questions on his party leadership. After this post of his, discussions are hot in the political circles.