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Names of minors in voter list in Pauri, Uttarakhand, there was a lot of uproar, now big action will be taken

Voting is going on for the civic elections 2025 in Uttarakhand. In such a situation, people are casting their votes to form the city government, but controversies are also being seen at many places regarding voting. One such case has come to light from ward number 5 during the Pauri Municipality elections. Where the names of minor children have been included in the voter list. Which was revealed during voting, when minors reached to cast their votes. Due to which anger spread among the people.

Names of children registered in voter list

Actually, during the Pauri Municipality elections, a case of inclusion of names of minor children in the voter list has come to light in ward 5. This was revealed on the day of voting. When the names of children of 9 and 10 years were found registered in the voter list. Under which 10-year-old Qadir has been shown as 29 years old. Whereas, 9-year-old Aafia has been shown as an adult. Due to which a situation of uproar arose on the spot.

After the matter came to light, questions have been raised on the credibility of the election process. Apart from this, dissatisfaction and anger is also being seen due to the names of some local people missing from the voter list. Local people allege that this time there have been many irregularities in the voter list, which is affecting the election process. This matter can create a challenging situation for the administration and the Election Commission.

DM Ashish Chauhan ordered an inquiry

At the same time, Pauri District Magistrate Ashish Chauhan took immediate cognizance of the matter of names of minor children being registered in the voter list and reached the spot to take stock of the situation. He met the local people and heard their complaints and understanding the seriousness of the matter, ordered an inquiry against the concerned BLO (Block Level Officer).

District Magistrate Ashish Chauhan assured that appropriate action will be taken after the investigation and strict steps will be taken against the culprits. His move is being considered important to maintain the transparency of the administration and the purity of the election process.