Piyush Nandwani
This is a piece of writing that describes and talks about the current situation of world and most prominently about India. The Corona Virus outbreak has shocked everyone in each corner of the world. Nobody ever thought that any such pandemic issue could take place ever in history. The severity of this horrible infectious disease is extremely non-measurable. This has been categorised into three major stages: stage 1, stage 2, stage 3.
This very infectious and untreatable disease is gripping us day by day. This is scientifically named as COVID-19. This disease is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
The Indian Government has proposed a 21 days lockdown as this disease is spread through touch, flu symptoms and by not maintaining social distancing. Entire country is in a situation where almost people aren’t coming of their places in order to avoid crowds and to prevent the spread of this deadly disease. The algorithm is conducted with a logo of #stayhomestaysafe.
On this account, all schools, colleges and educational institutions in the country have been shut down. The concept of online classes is being encouraged so that students do remain in touch with courses and further actions will be taken by the education ministry of India. The MNC’s have been closed and the employees have been expected to corporate in the functioning of “Work from Home”. Almost all workplaces have been shut down during the period of lockdown.
The factories have been closed down, due to which production is held on halt. Also, markets are running short of products. Only essential stores are allowed to remain open like departmental stores, ration shops, dairy shops and medicos. Also, home ministry of government and banks are functioning so that government functioning is continued for running the country and banks are open in order to meet essential requirements of people regarding money respectively in such a havoc situation. People are advised not to step out of their houses unnecessarily. Also, everyone is being asked to wear masks, keep on washing hands, maintain hygiene, keep on using sanitizers and most importantly maintain social distancing not to meet people.
During this time period our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi requested all the citizens of India to salute and pay reagards to the people who are constantly fighting in this situation to keep all of us safe and updated regarding the scenario and such people are Doctors, Media workers, Government officers, Bankers, Cleaning staff of the country and Police of all the states.
Also, orders have been revealed out by the government that gives permission to police to beat and punish those who are unnecessarily out of their places.
This is an awesome step laid by the government while trying to control and then erode the COVID-19 cases from our country with the prayers to over it from the entire world and maintain peace in India as well as the world. Hence, we all should join our hands in this situation and follow the policy of stay home stay safe and protect the humankind form the devil “CORONA VIRUS’.