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Revealed in the study: The risk of impotence is increasing in men due to cycling!

Whether it is to protect the environment from pollution or to keep yourself fit and healthy, cycling is always considered the best exercise. This strengthens the muscles of your legs. Along with this, fat burning also happens easily. Due to this, heart health also remains healthy and mental strength also increases, but do you know that cycling can also increase the risk of impotence in men. Let’s know how-

Revealed in the study

According to a recent research conducted at the Wroclaw Medical University in Poland, continuous sitting on the bicycle seat causes numbness of the private parts of men and this puts pressure on the arteries of the private part, which can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Cycle like this

Research has found that men who cycle for more than 3 hours a week, this problem has been found more. In such a situation, research has suggested that to avoid erectile dysfunction, men should get up from the seat and stand on the pedals every 10 minutes while cycling. Sitting on the seat for a long time or cycling in the wrong way can increase the risk of impotence along with erectile dysfunction.

What is erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction affects your fertility health. In this, the private parts start getting crushed and there is a lot of effect on the nerves. Due to continuous sitting on the seat during cycling, there is a lot of pressure between the private part and the anus and due to this, the nerves get damaged and gradually the blood flow starts decreasing. Due to which the private part can become numb and tingling also starts in it. When this problem becomes frequent, it turns into erectile dysfunction, which is commonly known as impotence.

These things can increase the risk of impotence

The risk of impotence in men can increase not only due to cycling but also due to many reasons. These include diabetes, heart problems, tobacco use, obesity, prostate surgery, cancer treatment, anxiety, depression, and more.