Eminent Experts, Scientists, and Technocrats from India and Japan discussed the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, and solutions adopted in the...
Astronomers have discovered a new active galaxy. It has been identified as a distant gamma ray emitting galaxy. This active...
A group of astronomers have discovered a dozen quasars that have been warped by a naturally occurring cosmic “lens” and...
Scientists have developed a new technique to track the huge bubbles of gas threaded with magnetic field lines that are...
Scientists from various institutions throughout the country will discuss some long standing scientific problems in observational astronomy at a national...
Can particles which refuse to interact with each other form condensed phases like solids and liquids be brought together? How...
Andrew Griffin View from Portland https://twitter.com/vincelavecchia/status/1375297806307532800?s=19 Unusual bright lights appeared over the skies of the US overnight, leaving watchers “in...
Scientists have found a method to mimic nature’s own process of reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, namely photosynthesis, to...
India collaborates with Norway and Japan in Antarctic Research. A major Indo-Norweigian collaborative field campaign, near Indian Maitri station, was...
In order to cater to the needs of Cyclone Warning Services and Marine weather services, there are seven established Cyclone...