First Euro T20 Slam tournament postponed for second consecutive year

The first edition of the Euro T20 Slam tournament has been postponed for the second consecutive year due to the Corona epidemic. The board has recently held a meeting in this regard and has decided to move the first edition of the tournament to 2022. Cricket Ireland said, the main reason for the postponement of the tournament is the rescheduled IPL as well as the difficult logistical challenges posed by the new variant of the corona pandemic, which is impacting the window of the Euro T20 slump.
Ireland chief executive Warren Deutrom said in a statement: “Last year we agreed to change the structure of the competition. Organizing the tournament in a single country was conceived on the basis of discussions on minimizing travel and various quarantine requirements due to the Corona pandemic. You only have to look at the effects of the emerging pandemic on established competitions like IPL and PSL, knowing that complexity and uncertainty still need to be managed.
“While the vaccine has provided hope, the combination of new variants, housing shortages in Ireland and the rescheduling of the IPL in the envisaged window to hold perhaps the most important Euro T20 slump may make a new event possible in 2021,” he said. Will not done. Even though it’s frustrating for us right now, the time available in the future will give this concept the best chance of succeeding in the long term.