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The target of generating one lakh MW of electricity from solar energy by 2022

MSME sector will benefit

Indian Industries Association will now start a campaign of saving electricity through solar energy across the country. For this, the association has given responsibility to the chairman of the Solar Energy and E-Vehicle Committee. The association has appointed Tariq Hasan Naqvi as the chairman of the committee. Naqvi said that he would try his best to achieve the target of solar energy not only in Uttar Pradesh but in the entire country by 2022. To achieve this goal, Naqvi has also prepared a complete roadmap.

Tariq Hasan Naqvi, an expert working in the field of solar energy for a long time, told that the target of the central government is to generate one lakh MW of electricity through solar energy by 2022. Whereas in Uttar Pradesh the target is 10700 MW by 2022. Rizvi says that MSMEs will benefit the most from solar energy. But due to some policies of the government, small and medium industries are not getting the benefit of this, he said. He says that this industry has collapsed during Kovid. He says that with the cooperation of the central and state government, this industry should be encouraged for solar energy. Naqvi, chairman of the Solar Energy and E-Vehicle Committee of the Indian Industries Association, says that the net metering system has been discontinued in small and medium industries. In this system, the financial accounting of the units of electricity that went to the grid through solar energy was done at the end of the financial year. According to Rizvi, the electricity bill that went into the grid was adjusted with the electricity department’s bill. Now this system has been closed for small and medium scale industries for the time being. According to the Indian Industries Association, the net metering system should be revived to encourage small and medium industries. For this, his organization is not only continuously putting pressure on the central and state government but is also in touch with the concerned departments and officials. According to the Indian Industries Association, he is trying his best to help thousands of entrepreneurs associated with his organization achieve the goal in the country through solar energy. For this, the new committee formed by his organization will not only help all the entrepreneurs but will also work as a bridge with the state government and the central government.