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Uttar Pradesh / Hamirpur : Khudiram Bose was a great son of Mother India : Dr. Bhawanidin

Under the auspices of the Charitya Sanstha, remember the nectar festival of freedom, under the banner of discourse under the sacrifice, Dr. Bhawanidin, the president of the organization, paid tribute to the death anniversary of Khudiram Bose, an unmatched youth sacrificer of Maa Bharti. It happened that Khudiram Bose was an unmatched son of Mother India in true sense. After leaving the freedom movement, Khudiram became a member of the revolutionary committee after leaving school, he was an expert in bomb attacks. In 1906, Bose started the struggle for independence by bottling anti-Gora pamphlets. After Bose bombed three British officers including the Governor of Bengal in 1907-08. Incidentally, all three officers survived, the British policy of the partition of Bengal of 1905 was opposed across the country, in which Bose openly participated, The magistrate of Calcutta named Kigsford was the enemy of the revolutionaries, he used to give very harsh punishment to the patriots. The revolutionary party entrusted the responsibility of killing it to Bose and Prafulla Chaki, both were given bombs and pistols, on 30 April 1908, both went out to carry out this work, also supervised the bungalow and wagon of Kingsford, in the night Mistaking Kigsford’s wagon and attacked with a bomb, but two English women aboard that wagon were killed, after a while, Kigsford came out in another wagon and survived. The bomb blast was so fierce that whose sound went up to three miles. This incident caused a stir. Both these patriots ran 24 miles in the night, stayed at a railway station, surrounded by police, Prafulla Chaki killed himself by a bullet, Bose was caught, by pretending to be justice, the British did this. The great revolutionary Bose was hanged on 11 August 1908. The contribution of Khudiram Bose cannot be forgotten. Ashok Awasthi, Rajkumar Soni Sarraf, Brindavan Gupta, Rameshchandra Gupta, Kallu Chaurasia and Anees Ahmed were present in the program.