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Baby girl born in plane carrying people from Afghanistan

There were smiles on the faces of the passengers on board the C-17 military plane carrying people from Afghanistan when an Afghan baby girl was born during the flight. The girl’s parents have named her ‘Reach’ after the call sign of the plane.
Call signs with aircraft numbers identify aircraft for air traffic personnel and radio voice communication.

The head of the US European Command told reporters on Wednesday that officials spoke to the girl’s mother and father. General Todd Wolters reported that the parents named him Reach because the aircraft’s call sign is Reach 828. She was born on Saturday and members of the 86th medical group helped with the delivery. The plane took off from Kabul for Germany’s Ramstein Air Force Base.

The European Command said the baby’s mother suffered labor during the flight and her condition worsened due to low blood pressure. To increase the air pressure in the plane, the pilot raised the plane to a higher altitude, which stabilized the mother’s condition. Army medical personnel performed the delivery on the plane.

Wolters said both the girl and the family were fine. Two other women brought from Afghanistan last week also gave birth to babies at a US military hospital in Germany.