Uttar Pradesh / Bundelkhand : Bundelkhand MPs keep their promise, make Bundelkhand state – BRS

Bundelkhand Rashtra Samiti organized the talk of Bundelkhand state with village heads
Under the campaign being run by Bundelkhand Rashtra Samiti for Bundelkhand state construction, the program of Bundelkhand state with village heads was organized in the auditorium of the block premises, in which the youth, farmers, women of all villages were involved in the Bundelkhand state construction campaign. The chiefs took a pledge to connect. In the program, many heads including the head union of Kamasin block Sunil Yadav attended, in which Dhundui Pradhan Rameshwar was made the block president of the committee and Bhanupratap, the principal representative of Khamarka, was made the vice-chairman of the committee.
Dalchandra Mishra said that the village head will become the basis of the movement and every person will contribute in the final fight for the state of Bundelkhand and Bundelkhand state will be formed of Bundelio.
Acharya Shravan Krishna said, come to the meeting of the Bundelkhand Rashtra Samiti. All of us are once again determined to fight unceasingly. Till Bundelkhand state is not created, we will not sit in peace. All the honorable MPs/MLAs of Bundelkhand remember the creation of Bundelkhand in the election season. Fulfill your moral responsibility towards the people with complete honesty. Keep the promise and make Bundelkhand state.
The program was mainly attended by Acharya Shravan Krishna in-charge Amit Yadav, President Devendra Patel, Pankaj Atul Tripathi, Bhanupratap, Vikas Choubey, Vinod Kumar, Suresh, Kamlesh, Shyambabu, Rajaram Prajapati, Pradhan, Panchayat members.