DOLO Medicine was writing a lot of doctors in Corona, the secret of 1000 crore ‘gift’ revealed in the income tax raid!
The drug Dolo-650, commonly used in the treatment of fever, is available in every household. Micro Labs, the manufacturer of this drug, made a lot of profit from it during the Corona period. But, now instead of promoting this drug by the company, it has been revealed to give a free gift of 1000 crores to the doctors.
Income Tax Department tightens its screws
According to a report published on Business Today, on July 6, the Income Tax team raided 36 locations of Micro Labs Ltd. in nine states. The CBDT said that after taking action against the company, the department had seized undisclosed cash worth Rs 1.20 crore and jewelery worth Rs 1.40 crore.
Seized documents revealed a big secret
When the company was asked in this regard through e-mail, it did not get any reply. According to the CBDT, the secret of distributing free gifts worth Rs 1,000 crore by the company is unearthed in the scrutiny of documents and digital data that were seized during the Income Tax raids. The statement said that these documents clearly show that the company had adopted wrong tactics to promote its product.
Sales records broken during the Corona period
The price of this drug may be low, but the game that the company made to earn from it, the game that the company played has become a topic of discussion today. During the Corona epidemic, there was such a jump in the sale of this drug that it had disappeared from the market. In 2020, after the cases of Kovid-19 came to the fore, 350 crore tablets were sold and in a year, the company earned about Rs 400 crore.
Doctors told that effective in treatment
Although the identity of the group was not disclosed in the CBDT statement, the report has confirmed, quoting sources, that it is Micro Labs Limited. According to the CBDT, many more financial irregularities have been detected during the investigation. During the Corona period, this analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer) drug Dolo-650 was used by doctors as the most effective in treatment.