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PM Modi will come to Uttarakhand on Choti Diwali! Will visit Kedarnath Dham

PM Narendra Modi can reach Kedarnath Dham on October 23 on Choti Diwali. This visit of Modi is proposed now. According to the proposed program, the Prime Minister will visit Kedarnath on 23 October. Along with this, he can also take stock of the ongoing works under the master plan in the Dham. More recently, Modi reviewed the ongoing work in Kedarnath through video conferencing.

The PMO is being contacted at the government level regarding this visit. The administration is also busy at the local level. Badrinath Kedarnath Temple Committee is also busy finalizing all the preparations at its level. Badrinath Kedarnath Temple Committee President Ajendra Ajay told that right now there is only a possible program of Prime Minister Modi to come to Kedarnath. Despite this, the temple committee has completed all the preparations at its level.