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Operation Sheeshmahal exposed Kejriwal’s wrist… Demand for resignation from Delhi CM amid ruckus at home

Politics has now heated up at Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s Delhi bungalow. Both BJP and Congress are targeting Kejriwal after our colleague Times Now Navbharat’s revelations in Operation Sheeshmahal. Operation Sheeshmahal has in a way exposed the wrist of CM Kejriwal. After knowing the price of Kejriwal’s luxurious bungalow, who has the identity of a common man and does not show any desire for a car and a house, the demand for his resignation has also gained momentum. Harish Khurana said that Kejriwal should resign. Times Now Navbharat in its special report said that 45 crores have been spent on the renovation of Kejriwal’s bungalow. It was also told that this renovation was taking place at a time when Delhi was battling with the severe corona pandemic. BJP’s Tejinder Pal Singh Bagga, Kapil Mishra, RP Singh and Congress’s Alka Lamba and senior leader Ajay Maken have raised questions on this revelation. Not only this, these leaders have also demanded an inquiry on this. Let’s know what all the leaders have said after the big revelations at Kejriwal’s house.

What did Bagga and Kapil Mishra say on this revelation
Delhi BJP youth leader Tejinder Pal Singh Bagga, while targeting CM Kejriwal, said that keep the curtain, don’t remove the curtain. If the curtain is removed, Arvind Kejriwal will be looted. The difference will be revealed. Targeting CM Kejriwal, BJP leader Kapil Mishra said that thanks to Times Now Navbharat for Operation Sheeshmahal. Today the whole country is watching from where Kejriwal has come. Sometimes this Kejriwal was roaming around with an affidavit that he will not take the bungalow. I have repeatedly said that the day the truth about Kejriwal’s bungalow comes to the fore, that day how corrupt Kejriwal is, it will be revealed to the whole country. Apart from this, Kapil said that you are sorry for Kejriwal. Kejriwal was doing this loot and debauchery with public money when the second wave of Corona was going on. When people were yearning for oxygen and treatment. Then the corrupt Kejriwal was buying curtains worth crores of rupees and getting marbles from Vietnam.

These BJP leaders also attacked
BJP leader Vijay Goel said that Kejriwal had said that I will not buy a bungalow-car, where is the morality to spend so much on marble. People will lose faith in politicians with such work. All this happened during the Kovid period when people were dying, crying for oxygen. It means that he (CM) had become very insensitive at that time. Attacking Kejriwal, BJP leader RP Singh said that many houses would have been built in 45 crores, people would have got a roof over their heads. MP Pravesh Verma said that a bungalow worth 45 crores directly from 5 rupees. Arvind Kejriwal has come a long way. All the gimmicks of this world are small in front of you. BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi said- ‘These people are comparing CM’s residence with Prime Minister’s residence, security is also a big factor in PM’s residence. AAP’s comparison is either vicious or childish’. Union Minister Piyush Goyal said – People’s servant spends such expenses and that too in the time of Kovid, installing expensive curtains and installing marble. Once upon a time, he used to say that he will not go to a big bungalow, he will not buy a car. Formed government with Congress, had promised that I will not take support, turned away from it, this is not a common man’s government, it is a special man’s government.

BJP MP Manoj Tiwari said that I am shocked. CM Kejriwal broke all records of insensitivity. At one time, when the people of Delhi were struggling with the Corona epidemic, the Chief Minister spent 45 crores to decorate his house. Manoj Tiwari said that I wonder how someone can stoop so low in his life, it is being known today. On the other hand, Delhi BJP made several tweets in a systematic manner. He wrote that the secret of special person Arvind Kejriwal has been exposed. Along with this, the party also shared the video of Times Now Navbharat.

These Congress leaders also attacked
Congress has also targeted Times Now after the biggest revelation of Navbharat. Alka Lamba has demanded an inquiry after hearing the price of Kejriwal’s luxurious bungalow. On the other hand, senior Congress leader Ajay Maken said that Mr. Kejriwal should spend 45 crores of public money on his bungalow. It is alleged that Dior polished Vietnam marble, curtains worth crores, carpets worth crores, spent a total of 45 crores. But, see this affidavit, dated June 7, 2013, this copy of affidavit was distributed by Kejriwal ji in all the New Delhi assembly constituencies before his election! See, Kejriwal ji has said in this – I will follow the following things after winning. 1) I will not take the red light car. 2) I will not take any other necessary security for myself. Security forces should not be there for the security of the leaders but for the security of the common man, the leader should not have more security than the common man. 3) I will not buy a big bungalow, I will live in a normal house like a common man. Any other chief minister or minister may spend as much as they want, but – after this affidavit – after naming their party ‘Aam Aadmi Party’ – when the people of Delhi were yearning for one oxygen cylinder each, The person who spends 45 crores of tax payers’ hard earned money on his bungalow has no right to continue in his post.

How luxurious is Kejriwal’s house
After the comments of BJP and Congress leaders, now they know how much Kejriwal has spent on his house. Many shocking things have come to light in the revelations made in Operation Sheeshmahal. In this special report, it has been learned that the cost of one curtain in the CM residence is Rs 8 lakh. In this way a total of 23 curtains were ordered. Some have been installed while some are left. On the other hand, the marble used in Kejriwal’s official residence has not been imported from India but from abroad. Marble from Vietnam has been installed in Kejriwal’s house. The cost of Dior Pearl Marble of Superior Class is one crore 15 lakh rupees, whose fitting is also done in a different and special way. Talking about other things, the cost of the wardrobe is 40 lakhs, the interior decoration is 11 crores, the decoration of the wall is more than 4 crores. The cost of the pillars in the houses is more than 21 lakhs, while the cost of two kitchens, one costing 63 lakhs and the other costing 32 lakhs has been spent.