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Uttarakhand: 8 officers of State Forest Service became IFS after promotion, one officer got promotion after retirement!

The wait of the State Forest Service officers in Uttarakhand is finally over. About two and a half months after the DPC (Departmental Promotion Committee) held in November, these officers have got promotion to IFS (Indian Forest Service) cadre, while one of the eight officers who got promotion, a state service officer, has retired in the month of November itself.

Eight officers of the State Forest Service in Uttarakhand have got IFS cadre after a long time. However, out of these eight officers who got promotion, Anil Tamta has retired on 30 November itself. DPC regarding the promotion of these officers was done in the month of November, but it took about two and a half months for the order to be issued. Perhaps this is the reason why these officers were waiting for a long time for promotion.

The officers who got promotion include Anil Tamta, Karuna Nidhi Bharti, Umesh Chand Tiwari, Naveen Chand Pant, Prakash Chandra Arya, Rangnath Pandey, Devi Prasad Baluni and Dhruv Singh Martolia. By the way, the promotion of these senior State Forest Service officers has been done relative to the vacancy between 2020 and 2023. In this, 2 posts are vacant in 2020, 7 posts from the year 2021 and 13 posts from the year 2022. However, in comparison to this, only eight State Forest Service officers are eligible for promotion.

The special thing is that the promotion of these officers was pending for the last few years, so the Forest Department had already given them responsibility as in-charge DFO. Many of these officers are working as DFO in various divisions. Whereas now they will be able to get responsibility as full flash DFO. There are also many officers among them, who are retiring this year, after which some more posts in the IFS cadre of State Forest Service officers will become vacant this year.