BPSC 67th PT Result Declared
BPSC released the result of 67th preliminary examination on Thursday. Six lakh one thousand 69 candidates were issued admit card for the 67th re-examination. 11 thousand six hundred seven candidates have been successful. In this examination, 45 thousand six hundred 67 candidates could not even obtain the minimum qualifying marks. Commission’s Controller of Examinations Amarendra Kumar said that the candidates appearing in the examination can get detailed information from the Commission’s website https://www.bpsc.bih.nic.in
As per the rules of the commission, the minimum qualifying marks are fixed for general and EWS candidates in 150 questions, 60 for backward class male, 54.75 for backward class male, 51 for extremely backward class male, 48 marks for SC-ST, women and disabled candidates. Please tell that in September 2021, the advertisement for 67th was released. The preliminary examination for this was held in May 2022. After the question paper was leaked, the commission canceled the exam. PT again took place on 30 September 2022.
So far 281 vacancies for 68th
The commission has received about 300 vacancies so far. Whatever vacancy will come till the PT exam is done, it will be included in it. Apart from this, provision of negative marking is also being made in the examination from this year. What will be the outline of negative marking in this, it will be decided only after the voting of the candidate.
Now no RTI, OMR will be available without application
Candidates appearing in 67th preliminary exam will not need to do RTI to get OMR sheet of PT exam. A copy of the OMR sheet will be provided to them by the commission free of cost. For this also, along with the result or within a day or two, the scanned copy of the OMR sheet will be available in the logging of the candidates. The concerned candidates can get their ID from the logging ID.
Vacancy has been found for eight posts of DSP
The commission has got around 300 posts for 68th BPSC. In this, eight posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police, in addition to this, appointments are to be made in more than a dozen departments including Scheduled Caste, Extremely Backward Classes Welfare Officer.